Products    Miles

We produce our barcodes inhouse to ensure the best result on the specific tapequality, in consideration to the customers request of course.

We have the possibility to quality check the barcodes before print. Our barcodes is typical from ANSI Grade B to C, which makes them easy to read, even for the most "critical" scanner.

In case of doubt, we can make a layout suggestion, run a test production, and make a test report of the barcode (see picture) That makes it easy for the customer to choose which tapequality is the best for the specific barcode.

It is very important to ensure a uniform quality of the barcode on the tape, meter by meter. That is why we put the preliminary work into focus, because it is the foundation to ensure the best result.

Do you have any questions regarding barcodes on tape, please do not hesitate to contact our salesdepartment.


Phone: +45 8737 5544

Fax: +45 8737 5548




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